Monday, July 23, 2007

New hopes, aspirations, goals, ambitions !

This, my friends I am afraid is going to be one of the blogs where I would try to sound ambitious, which of course I am .. but it is very much expected at this point of time as a new academic year has just started and it is customary to make resolutions, mainly related to academic seriousness at this juncture ! So why should this time be any different ? I don't have a grudge with the year 2007, so why not just begin with the proceedings...

Lo and Behold ! The Ten Commandments that should govern my life are...

<1> Thou are responsible for thy fate, thus work harder

<2> Thou shalt not indulge excessively in momentary pleasures

<3> Remember thyself and keep thyself "focussed"

<4> Honor thyself and all who honor thyself

<5> Thou shalt not murder thy desires and hopes

<6> Thou shalt "try" not pay heed to any distractions

<7> Thou shalt not cheat thyself

<8> Thou shalt not "fabricate" excuses

<9> Thou shalt not covet neighbor's leisure

<10>Thou shalt learn from thy friends and foes

1 comment:

maverick_rahul21 said...

Wow !motu bhai... nice to read ur resolutions. ofcourse, it will
help us too...Aur comment-shumment maara kar yaar..

Take care, BYE !